Our Vision

Back in Control

Companies need to be flexible and reduce operational costs.

The world of information security is interesting and fun, but at the same time very challenging. Most companies don't even have basic security controls in place!

Companies need to get back in control regarding their information security. This can only be done with a clear plan, specialized tooling and focus on the things that really matter. Your time is precious and you can spend it only once.. Use it wisely.

New threats

The news is covering the latest discovered attack vectors. You are not finished with the latest SSL vulnerability and a new one is already discovered. Wouldn't it be better to have a solid security plan on which you can trust?

Different focus

Instead of just following the big players in the field, we believe in specialization, automation, and partnerships. They might claim to provide you with a full solution, yet are not complete.

By providing a specialized solution, we do one thing, very well. This make us different from our competitors.

You care about your business. We care about providing you the right tools.

Why CISOfy?  Why CISOfy?

“Provide security professionals (up to the CISO) with powerful tools to measure security efforts.”